Gujarat, one of the western most states of the Indian subcontinent depicts a well connected railways route network. All the major cities, towns, and villages of Gujarat are linked through Indian railway network. The major metropolitan cities of Gujarat are also linked with other states of the country. Ahmedabad and Surat, two prime cities of the state have a great connectivity in terms of railway network.
As you fetch for the information of Surat to Ahmedabad train list you will come up with a vivid result of 89 trains running between the stations. These trains run between Surat (ST) station and Ahmedabad Junction (ADI). The first Surat to Ahmedabad train of the day is Howrah Express (12833) that departs from Surat at 00.15 am and arrives at Ahmedabad Junction covering a distance of 230 kms in 3 hrs 50 min at 04.10 am.
As per records the Surat to Ahmedabad train time of the most punctual train in the route is at 23.40pm, that is 11454 Prerana Express. The train runs of Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays in a week. However it is not the fastest train of the route. The 22903 Bhuj AC SF Exp is credited as the fastest train from Surat to Ahmedabad which covers the route in 3hrs 7 min. The minimum Surat to Ahmedabad train fare is Rs 100 for 2S seats, and ranges up to Rs 1155 for first class traveling.
The Indian railway ticket reservation system is an advanced affair now. You can book your tickets directly over the net. You can also mention your preference for seats while Surat to Ahmedabad train booking. That is you can select preference of lower berth, middle berth, upper berth, etc. Besides that you can select special discount options for senior citizens too. Just that you need to carry your identity proof along with you at the time of traveling in case of online booking. However, this process is very easy and simple.
You can also book tatkal tickets from Surat to Ahmedabad train through the online website of IRCTC. However in case of Tatkal tickets the fare range is little higher, like the general 2S seat ticket will be available at Rs 180 approximately.
Therefore if you are planning a trip you can avail for online booking of Surat to Ahmedabad train 3 months before your journey. You can also check all the trains scheduled between the two stations on a specified date. Therefore this makes booking as per convenience easier. You can easily select a train, class, date of journey as per your individual requirement.
You can even take the advantage of cancelling a booked ticket of Surat to Ahmedabad train if your trip gets cancelled due to any reason. In that case your amount is refunded back to your bank account. However, a portion of the fare is deducted as cancellation charge, and this is calculated as per the remaining date of the journey.
Surat to Ahmedabad Train
As you fetch for the information of Surat to Ahmedabad train list you will come up with a vivid result of 89 trains running between the stations. These trains run between Surat (ST) station and Ahmedabad Junction (ADI). The first Surat to Ahmedabad train of the day is Howrah Express (12833) that departs from Surat at 00.15 am and arrives at Ahmedabad Junction covering a distance of 230 kms in 3 hrs 50 min at 04.10 am.
Special Train Information at a Glance
As per records the Surat to Ahmedabad train time of the most punctual train in the route is at 23.40pm, that is 11454 Prerana Express. The train runs of Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays in a week. However it is not the fastest train of the route. The 22903 Bhuj AC SF Exp is credited as the fastest train from Surat to Ahmedabad which covers the route in 3hrs 7 min. The minimum Surat to Ahmedabad train fare is Rs 100 for 2S seats, and ranges up to Rs 1155 for first class traveling.
The Indian railway ticket reservation system is an advanced affair now. You can book your tickets directly over the net. You can also mention your preference for seats while Surat to Ahmedabad train booking. That is you can select preference of lower berth, middle berth, upper berth, etc. Besides that you can select special discount options for senior citizens too. Just that you need to carry your identity proof along with you at the time of traveling in case of online booking. However, this process is very easy and simple.
You can also book tatkal tickets from Surat to Ahmedabad train through the online website of IRCTC. However in case of Tatkal tickets the fare range is little higher, like the general 2S seat ticket will be available at Rs 180 approximately.
Therefore if you are planning a trip you can avail for online booking of Surat to Ahmedabad train 3 months before your journey. You can also check all the trains scheduled between the two stations on a specified date. Therefore this makes booking as per convenience easier. You can easily select a train, class, date of journey as per your individual requirement.
You can even take the advantage of cancelling a booked ticket of Surat to Ahmedabad train if your trip gets cancelled due to any reason. In that case your amount is refunded back to your bank account. However, a portion of the fare is deducted as cancellation charge, and this is calculated as per the remaining date of the journey.
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